Aanand L. Rai’s directorial ‘Raksha Bandhan’ was released today on the occasion of Raksha Bandhan and the director certainly proved that he is one of the best directors currently in Bollywood. Netizens have tagged the film with endearing adjectives and called it an underdog that emerged victorious. With a heartfelt narrative of the sibling bond, small-town backdrop and noteworthy performances Akshay Kumar-starrer ‘Raksha Bandhan’ has proved to be a dark horse that won the race.
Aanand L. Rai’s ‘Raksha Bandhan’ is a treat to the emotions and his trademark style of presenting a fun and clean family drama has won it all! It’s been just a day since the movie’s release and all we could see is the audience walking out of the theatre happy. The film’s U-certification has opened all the doors for uniting the families of India. With the perfect ingredients of a family entertainer, the movie is a certain sleeper hit at the box office. Colour Yellow Productions has surely added another blockbuster to its list of small-town romances and desi entertainers.
‘Raksha Bandhan’ also produced by Aanand L. Rai and Himanshu Sharma’s Colour Yellow Productions in association with Alka Hiranandani and Cape of Good Films, and written by Himanshu Sharma and Kanika Dhillon. The music of Rakshabandhan has been composed by Himesh Reshammiya and the Lyrics are by Irshad Kamil.