Released in 2021, the South Korean series ‘Squid Game’ shook the world with its unique storyline and mind blowing gaming activities. Starring Ho Yeon-jung, Lee Jung-jae, Lee Yoo-mi, Gong Yoo and Park Hae-soo, it was a mega hit series on Netflix and also one of the most watched series of all time, garnering 111 million views in the first month of its release. ‘Squid Game’ has collected $900 million in value based on extended viewer data, since its premiere on September 17, 2021.
After his fabulous performance, fans wanted to watch more of Lee Jung-jae and they’ll happy to know that he has headed to Hollywood! We got to hear that the actor is going to make his big Hollywood debut and has already bagged the male lead role in ‘Star Wars’ spin-off series, ‘The Acolyte’, although his role is kept absolutely wrapped up by makers.
As of now, we only got to know that Amandla Stenberg will be playing the female lead role along with Jodie Turner-Smith as director and Leslye Headland as executive producer.
Although Lee Jung-jae is quite a big and renowned actor in South Korea, let’s see how he amazes us in his Hollywood debut.