‘One Piece’ is a Japanese manga series, which is written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s Shõnen manga magazine weekly since July 1997. Now, Netflix is going to release a live-action series named ‘One Piece’ adapted from the manga series.
Netflix has recently revealed the main five cast of the series ‘One Piece’. The cast stars are Iñaki Godoy, who will be playing the role of Monkey D. Luffy, Mackenyu will be playing as Roronoa Zoro, Emily Rudd will be playing as Nami, Jacob Romero Gibson will be playing as Usopp and Taz Skylar will be playing the role of Sanji.
Netflix shared the video on Twitter Tuesday, 9th November, where we can see the star cast are introducing themselves as their characters, which they are going to play in ‘One Piece’ wearing black ‘One Piece’ logo T-shirts and sharing their excitement on this.
Netflix has also shared a special note written by the creator Eiichiro Oda, which is dedicated to the ‘One Piece’ cast. He wrote in the message about his experience on creating the manga series and also shared the experience of selecting the Straw Hat crew of the series and he is hoping for people to like this live-action now.
A special message from Eiichiro Oda to the One Piece cast. @Eiichiro_Staff pic.twitter.com/BT52Taxz2V
— ONE PIECE(ワンピース) Netflix (@onepiecenetflix) November 9, 2021