‘Mulk’ is based on a real-life story and revolves around the struggles of a Muslim joint family from a small town in India (Banares), who fight to reclaim their honour after a member of the family, sets on a path to terrorism. Terrific performances by Rishi Kapoor and Taapsee Pannu, who are well supported by a bunch of very talented actors like Manoj Pahwa, Ashutosh Rana, Rajat Kapoor, Prachi Shah Pandya, and Neena Gupta, add more value to this quite good screenplay. The editing could have been sharper and the hard-hitting dialogues are to be appreciated. Though some may find the court room scene in the second half too lengthy, it is very well executed and remains one of the highlights. Photography, costumes, locations and other technical aspects are appropriate. With poor music and a lack of aggressive publicity, the film can grow due to positive word of mouth. Low on entertainment and the inability to connect to the youth audience can be detrimental to its growth. Director Anubhav Sinha has ably treated a sensitive subject (Hindu–Muslim) and deserves a lot of credit.
Rating: 3/5