Produced by Navin Shetty, Anurag Kashyap and directed by Mihir Fadnavis, ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ has officially been selected at the illustrious Indian Film Festival Of Melbourne 2022 (IFFM). The festival is the largest annual celebration of Indian cinema outside of India.
The film ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ is based upon the tragic realities faced by the daily wage workers and lot more that has been portrayed in the movie.
Producer Navin Shetty is taking Indian cinema to newer heights with back-to-back international premieres and selections. ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ first premiered at the New York Indian Film Festival 2022 (NYIFF) in April and the victory continues as the film has now been selected at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ has been the company’s first joint venture with Antifa Films and Atraxia Films.
Excited Navin shared, “I am really delighted about our selection at the prestigious Indian Film Festival of Melbourne. ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ shall always be a special film. I am glad that our film could realistically portray the grave issues faced by our very own countrymen after the lockdown was imposed. Despite the lack of any medical advancement to develop a vaccine, there were so many unsung heroes who risked their own life to help others. ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ is a tribute to all the frontline workers, all the policemen, all the common people who went out of their way, defied the odds and reinstated faith in humanity. I would also like to applaud the entire cast and crew who ensured that the humane vulnerability is conveyed, that the valour of such unsung heroes is immortalised in the form of a feature film. Such recognitions re-affirm our dedication to explore deeper, more meaningful realm of cinema and entertain.”
Director Mihir Fadnavis shared, “I still get goosebumps thinking about how all of us dealt with the uncertainties during the global pandemic. While shooting the movie, our faith in humanity was restored because of the selfless services of so many unsung heroes. Not just the frontline workers, but even the common man stepped up to help others which is really heart-warming. I am beyond delighted about the recognition that ‘Lords Of Lockdown’ is receiving. This is the second selection at another international festival and it is really humbling.”