Nora Fatehi has received immense love and appreciation from not just the audience and contestants but also her co-judges after filling in the shoes of Malaika Arora, who took a break owing to her diagnosis for Covid-19, as one of the judges on India’s Best Dancer. In just a week, the show has attained the third position on TRP charts and continued to stick in the Top 5 over the weeks.
As the actress is bidding goodbye to the show, Geeta Kapur penned a heartfelt note showering her love on Nora, before the last episode featuring the actress airs this weekend. Giving a warm farewell to Nora Fatehi, Geeta Kapur expressed her fondness for the actress and wished her all the success for her future endeavors in a post on social media.
She wrote, “You came like a breath of fresh air and have left us gasping for more!!! Thank u my baby Nora for being such a lovely and special part of my life… I don’t know how u did it but in such a short span u filled an important space left by @malaikaaroraofficial with such grace… Dignity… Good vibe… Love and honesty… and you leave us with so much to hold on to… I will miss u little girl and I’m sure I say this on behalf of all those u come across and go ur way YOU ARE RATCHET… your vibe is infectious… god bless u may success be ur best friend and stay with u always… love u Nora PRA PRA PRA PRA PRRRRRRRRAAAAA.”