One of the renowned directors in Hollywood, Christopher Nolan has been gearing up to bring another epic thriller ‘Oppenheimer’, a biopic of J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was credited as the ‘father of the atomic bomb’ for his role in the Manhattan Project during the World War 2, that developed the first nuclear weapon. Oppenheimer was among those, who observed the Trinity test in New Mexico, where the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated on July 16, 1945.
‘Oppenheimer’ has a stellar star cast like Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Kenneth Branagh, Florence Pugh, Emily Blunt, Rami Malek and Josh Hartnett. Cillian Murphy will be portraying the role of Oppenheimer and this is the third collaboration between Nolan and Branagh, as he was previously seen in ‘Dunkirk’ (2017) and ‘Tenet’ (2020).
Universal Pictures is going to distribute the film and has recently unveiled the first look of Cillian Murphy, where we can see Murphy is captured staring keenly, while smoking a cigarette, as according to records, Oppenheimer was a chain-smoker and suffered from throat cancer.
‘Oppenheimer’ is both written and directed by Christopher Nolan and is also produced by Nolan and his wife, Emma Thomas and Atlast Entertainment. According to Variety website, the film will be shoot in various locations in the U.S. like New Mexico, California and New Jersey and Universal Pictures is going to release the film in theaters in 2023.