The unconventional plot of ‘AK Vs AK’ (2020), a Netflix film directed by Vikramaditya Motwane, was well accepted by the viewers. In the movie, Anil Kapoor and Anurag Kashyap are seen fighting one another. The director recently admitted that he planned to do the film with Akshay Kumar. Also, Aamir Khan was on the wish list of the film’s writer.
Vikramaditya Motwane revealed fascinating trivia about the film in a lengthy interview given to Mid-Day’s editor Mayank Shekhar and said the writer Avinash Sampath wrote the film with Aamir Khan in mind. But when Vikramaditya came on board, he asked him to drop the idea because he felt Aamir would never sign such a film.
Then Vikramaditya Motwane and Avinash Sampath raced for Akshay Kumar, who carries the initials AK like Aamir Khan. Interestingly, Vikramaditya stated at this point that Akshay almost drove them out of his office after discovering the film’s concept! Vikramaditya revealed, “There is Akshay Kumar, who we did approach, and it was a very interesting meeting — I mean, he didn’t sort of outright say, ‘Get out of my office,’ but it was close enough!”
Later, they spoke to Shahid Kapoor, and ‘AK vs SK’ was said to be the title for the movie but it didn’t work out and then Anil Kapoor eventually joined the project. Anurag Kashyap was the only constant, even though the AKs were always changing, remarked Vikramaditya.
Vikramaditya Motwane also lauded Anurag’s acting skills, saying, “I think he is fantastic. In fact, Anil Kapoor was a topic of conversation on the ‘AK Vs AK’s set. Anurag is amazing, in my opinion, especially in the concluding scene. You weep tears when terrible events happen to him.”