Ryan Gosling who plays Ken alongside Margot Robbie in the upcoming ‘Barbie’ film, started his career as a child actor on ‘The Mickey Mouse Club’ (1989), where he shared the stage with other future stars like Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. However, Gosling has recently revealed that one of the characters he was chosen to play on the show was his worst ever.
In an interview, Gosling said that he was cast as a “hyper-enthusiastic” character named Ethan. “He was just so over-the-top”, Gosling said. “I remember thinking, ‘This is not me’.”
Gosling shared that while he wore some pretty interesting outfits as Ken in the live-action ‘Barbie’ film, they wouldn’t even rate in his top moments of looking absurd. “I looked pretty ridiculous my entire life”, he said.
Margot Robbie said her most ridiculous look on screen came when she once donned a cigarette costume while playing Donna Freedman on the Australian soap opera ‘Neighbours’ (1985).
“It was the most embarrassing thing”, Robbie said. “I had to wear this giant cigarette costume, and it was so hot and uncomfortable. I felt like a walking billboard for smoking.”
Robbie said that she was only 17 years old at the time and she was very self-conscious about the costume.