Urvashi Rautela will next be featured in the Pan-Indian film ‘Agent’, co-starring Akhil Akkineni. Recently, images of her from the film became popular on social media. Untrue claims that Urvashi was unhappy with the behaviour of Akhil were recently made on Twitter by a self-styled film critic Umair Sandhu, who is known for his controversial and misleading comments. Urvashi was not contacted before this tweet, which gained a lot of traction.
In response, the actress slammed Umair Sandhu on social media for his misleading tweet. Urvashi tweeted, “My legal team has served a Defamation Legal Notice. I’m upset that a depraved journalist like you would tweet nonsense or absurd things. You do not represent me as my representative. And, sure, you are an immature journalist who made me and my family terribly uncomfortable”.
A, few days ago Umair also made false allegations against Celina Jaitly that she slept with Fardeen as well as her father Feroz Khan to which the actress tweeted, “Dear Mr Sandhu hope posting this gave you the much needed girth & length to become a man & some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are others ways to fix your problem..like going to a doctor, you must try it sometime! #celinajaitly @TwitterSafety pls take action.”
Dear Mr Sandhu hope posting this gave you the much needed girth & length to become a man & some hope to cure you of your erectile dysfunction. There are others ways to fix your problem..like going to a doctor, you must try it sometime! #celinajaitly @TwitterSafety pls take action https://t.co/VAZJFBS3Da
— Celina Jaitly (@CelinaJaitly) April 11, 2023