Viyut Jammwal frequently shares his fitness adventures with his fans. The latest addition is his adventure on the hills as he is cycling down a rocky terrain with a friend. The actor shared a video of his sunny morning among the hills as he skips the mundane gym routine and opts for something more fun and adventurous.
In the video we can see Vidyut riding a road bike on a rocky hill and how he is enjoying his latest adventure in full swing. Fans have also pointed on how easily he is cycling up and his physique has stolen quite a few praises.
Speaking of his next outing on the big screen, he will be part of the film on leader and politician ‘Sher Singh Rana’ and ‘Crakk’. The latter is India’s first extreme sports drama where Vidyut will surely leave us breathless with his physique and we can’t wait to see some new moves.