Last month after announcing his separation with his wife Aishwarya, he was away from social media. The duo had shared an identical message on social media and parted ways. He made a comeback after posting a photo with his son Yathra. Dhanush captioned it as, “Now, where have I seen this before? #yathradhanush .. #naanevaruven.”
It’s a candid photograph where his son is trying to settle his hair and apparently, Dhanush tries to help him while talking to him. They were in casual attires and both paired a whitish T-shirt with black bottoms. He has shared this photo from the sets of ‘Naane Varuven’.
On the work front, Dhanush will be seen in movies like ‘Maaran’, ‘The Gray Man’, ‘Thiruchitrambalam’, ‘Naane Varuven’, and ‘Vaathi’.