After making her mark in Bollywood, Deepika Padukone made her international debut with Vin Diesel in ‘XXX: Return of Xander Cage’ (2017). Now she has confirmed her second Hollywood film which is a cross cultural rom-com, where she’ll be in a lead role. The project is being developed by STXFilms and Deepika will also produce the movie under her banner Ka Productions.
The ‘Chhapaak’ (2020) actress stated that, “I’m thrilled to be partnering with STXFilms and Temple Hill Productions, who share Ka’s ambition and creative vision and look forward to bringing impactful and dynamic cross-cultural stories to the world”.
The Chairman of STXFilms, Adam Fogelson, admired her work and said that building a romantic comedy with Deepika is what he is excited about and also the project gives out amazing opportunities to the foreign stars to know about our culture and our country.
Deepika shared a screenshot on her Instagram story where a story carried by Deadline has gone viral, officially announcing her second Hollywood movie.