Parineeti Chopra who is now in London got vaccinated on 14th July, 2021 and tweeted about it with some photos. In the first two pictures she is all sturdy and confident after taking the vaccine but in the last picture which is clicked by her famous cousin Priyanka Chopra, Parineeti looks all sick. She is sitting on a couch with her dog and using hot water bag on her left arm.
In the caption, she also mentioned how she took some selfies right after she got vaccinated but then got her reality check about the side effects of vaccination. Also, in the postscript she added for the quick-witted people how the selfies got inverted and it’s actually her left arm, which is very sly of her and real funny. She took the Pfizer vaccine.
Parineeti is also sending a message on Twitter about her vaccination that is, being a famous personality herself she is taking the vaccine so it is very important for everyone to get vaccinated. It is going to help in fighting Covid-19 and that it shouldn’t be neglected.
Got my vaccine here. Took some photos. Then reality hit. @priyankachopra. #Pfizer #London. P.S. To all those extra smart people in the comments …. selfies get inverted. Left arm it is.
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) July 14, 2021