Omung Kumar is all set to create a quirky comedy with a message and interesting concept for the big screen with his upcoming film, ‘Janhit Mein Jaari’. The film will feature Nushrratt Bharuccha and Pavail Gulati. Thinkink Picturez in association with Shree Raghav Entertainment and Take 9 Entertainment will present the movie. Produced by Raaj Shaandilyaa, Vimal K Lahoti, Bunty Raghav and Shradha Chandavarkar, the film has been written by Raaj Shaandilyaa and is being directed by Omung Kumar. It is set to go on floors in March 2021 and will release in 2021.
Mary Kom, who was the subject of Omung Kumar’s blockbuster biopic and also shares a great bond with the director, took to her social media to announce this special news.